How to Store DTF Print Transfer? -

How to Store DTF Print Transfer?

With DTF Print Transfer gaining popularity, details regarding the subject have gained importance and become a matter of curiosity. Especially storage and storage area has been a topic of curiosity. DTF print transfers must be stored correctly in order to last for a long time. It will be enough to know the correct conditions as follows. 

Ambient conditions: The humidity and temperature levels of the place where you store DTF transfers need to be checked. Generally, these types of transfers are known to be resistant to heat and humidity, but for best results it is recommended to store them at room temperature and a humidity level close to 50%.

Packaging: DTF transfers require appropriate packaging to protect from light and moisture. Usually plastic bags or vacuum bags are used because they are convenient for storage. You can protect transfers by placing them together or rolling them up. 

Storage in a Cool and Dry Place: DTF transfers should be stored away from direct sunlight and heat sources. It may also be helpful to store transfers in a closed box or cabinet to protect them from dust. 

Correct Position: It is important to store DTF transfers flat. Bent or folded transfers can cause problems during application. 

Expiration date: DTF transfers may have an expiration date on them. Check this date and use older transfers first. 

Protection Container: Storing DTF transfers in a protective container can help ensure the longevity of the transfers. Such protective containers prevent the transfers from coming into contact with air and light.

Watch List: It can be helpful to record when you received and started using your DTF transfers. This way, you can better track whether transfers are fresh or not.

Can DTF Transfers Be Reused?

 DTF Printing Products can be used for a long time. However, you can use a single textile product for a long time. The printing process is a one-time operation. DTF transfers are designed for a specific printing method and once applied they are printed on film or paper and are not used afterwards. DTF transfers are designed for textiles and similar materials and are used to transfer designs to these materials. Heat is at the forefront during application. 

The pattern you want is adhered to the printing material with heat. When the transfer process is completed, the product itself is produced. You can apply it in our business or at home, but each print is one-time. It is not possible to transfer the transfer from one textile product to another textile product. Since they are disposable, you will need to use a new DTF transfer for each print run. After applying the transfer, it becomes permanent in the area where you apply it and is suitable for washing and cleaning. Trying to remove the transfer may damage your product.

How Does the Printing Transfer Ordering and Implementation Process Work?

DTF Printing transfer ordering process is very fast and easy. You can upload any design you want to our site. Unlimited color options, high quality images and artworks, you can upload the design you want directly and in the size you want.

Your transfer will arrive on the same day and will be processed on the same day. You send it and we will transfer it directly to the film in the highest quality. Your transfer is made with the highest quality machines and materials. The highest quality inks and fabrics are used. When the transfer process is completed, it is packaged in protective packaging and delivered to you. You can transfer the print you receive to the textile product you want. You need a clean area to perform the transfer process at home. 

Apply your DTF Transfer with medium pressure for 15 seconds at 327F and 160 degrees. Before removing the transfer, wait for it to cool for 15 seconds, then print again and your transfer is ready for use. I hope you will be satisfied using it.

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